
New schemes launched to further Campus collaboration


The BioBabraham Symposium, which took place on Tuesday 18th July, saw the launch of three new initiatives for the Campus community to foster partnerships, including funding for new collaborations.

Campus Innovation Awards
Funded by BBSRC as part of the Campus Impact Acceleration Account, awards of up to £30k are available to establish collaborations and accelerate impact, covering a broad range of activities, such as:

  • Proof-of-concept awards- to develop collaborations between BBSRC academics and businesses, and business to business collaborations in research areas of common interest.
  • Access to equipment/technology– collaborative projects which enable organisations to open-up access to equipment and cutting-edge technologies across Campus and support training and skills development.
  • Full or part-time secondments - to learn a skill or technique, experience working in another sector and create fluidity across organisations at all career levels.
  • Access to specialist expertise – for start-ups and academics to access experts and consultants who can advise on key proof-of-concept experiments to take projects to the next technology readiness level (eg Innovate UK Catapults).
  • Technology evaluation awards – recommendations from the technology focus groups to support multi-lab testing of equipment to accelerate evaluation, validation, transfer and uptake of new technologies.
  • Co-development of training and skills – specific training courses to directly meet the needs of the Campus community (e.g. industry-focussed flow cytometry courses).
  • Access to bench-space – subsidised access (50% of full cost) to space and equipment in the Campus communal lab space for start-ups based on Campus (e.g. Accelerate@Babraham).

The first call will close on 31st October 2023. To access the application form and associated documents please fill in your details here:


Campus Mentorship Scheme
After a successful pilot, a Campus mentorship scheme has been rolled out to provide focussed, effective matchmaking for mentors and mentees to enhance innovation, technology and career development.

Early career staff (academic, start-up, facilities) will be matched with a wide-range of experienced mentors across all organisations based on Campus. Training will be provided for both mentors and mentees.

If you are interested in becoming a Campus mentor or mentee register your interest here:

Campus Entrepreneurship Network
The Campus entrepreneurship network is for anyone on Campus who is interested in entrepreneurial training and skills, meeting like-minded individuals and expanding their network.

To join please fill in your details via the following link and we will be in touch about entrepreneurial events, activities and opportunities -

When announcing the new schemes Kathryn Chapman, Director, Science & Entrepreneurship said: “To make a difference we need everything to come together - the right opportunities and mechanisms for partnerships to flourish.

“The community we have on Campus really is amazing and I would argue it doesn’t exist anywhere else. If we can take advantage of that it’s fantastic.

“In 2017 there were 25 collaborations with Campus companies and BI. And we encourage company to company collaboration as well.

“Please get involved, join a network, find a partner, sign up as a mentor or mentee.”