Linton Greenway Active Travel Path


East of Hildersham Signalised Crossing on the A1307

The Greater Cambridge Partnership and contractors Milestone Infrastructure will be starting work to connect the active travel path at Hildersham East, from the junction with the Hildersham High Street, to link up to the existing Linton Greenway at Dalehead Foods along the A1307. The works will commence in early February for approximately 16 weeks.

A limited amount of the pathway improvement work on the Hildersham side of the A1307 can be undertaken without deploying traffic management on the A1307. Where traffic management is required to minimise disruption, the works are planned to take place during off peak times with carriageway surfacing works scheduled for completion overnight. 

What works will be done? 

  • Provision of a new active travel pathway along the A1307 East from the recently completed Hildersham signalised crossing scheme
  • Where possible a new travel pathway alignment will be constructed with localised widening, realignment and resurfacing of the existing active travel path will also be carried out
  • To maximise the space available seasonal hedge and arboriculture work as required for the new improved pathway have already been undertaken in advance of the project commencing
  • Relocation of existing utility apparatus and signage to facilitate the active pathway improvements
  • Permanent closure of the Westbound carriageway layby (east of Hildersham) to facilitate the realignment of the A1307
  • Reconfiguration and realignment of the Eastbound carriageway layby on the A1307 to create the space to facilitate the upgrading of active travel pathway heading east to link up to the Greenway at Dalehead Foods
  • Resurfacing of the A1307 carriageway east and west bound to the east of the Hildersham signalised crossing
  • Improved signage and road markings

Traffic management on A1307 during construction 

  • During certain phases of the works, temporary 2 and 3-way traffic lights will be required during off-peak hours (9.30 am to 3.30 pm)
  • Overnight closure of the A1307 between Haverhill and Fourwentways to facilitate resurfacing work, but only when absolutely necessary. Advanced warning signage will be installed on site to inform road users of any upcoming closures and the planned duration

How will the works affect active travel path users? 

Throughout the works, a safe route for active travel path users will always be maintained.  When possible, a segregated temporary route for active travellers will be created, signed and maintained. In limited areas where there is insufficient width to provide an unrestricted active travel path, users will be escorted past the works area.

Whilst temporary lights are in use on the A1307, pedestrians and cyclists will be diverted via the closed section of the A1307 main carriageway or the bespoke temporary active travel path.

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause. However, these works will improve road safety and sustainable transport links for all road users at this location of the A1307.

How do I keep up to date with the project? 

Please visit the project’s web page at

If you have any concerns during construction, you can get in touch with Greater Cambridge Partnership by emailing: or telephone Cambridgeshire County Council’s Contact Centre on 01223 699906.