Exclusive discount offer for Babraham Research Campus tenants to the world-famous scientific journal Nature.
If you have less than 50 full-time researchers globally, you can claim a 45% discount on a Nature subscription*. More information on this exclusive offer can be found in the attached pdf, and if you have any questions you can contact Najam Shezad at najam.shezad@springernature.com or 07825 098 444.
Furthermore, Najam will be hosting 2 online Q&A sessions in the coming weeks. These will offer an opportunity for you to ask any questions and find out more about the offer. Details are as follows – and please feel free to send questions in advance to Najam for him to cover during the sessions:
Q&A Session 1:
Wednesday 4th May, 2-3pm
Q&A Session 2:
Thursday 5th May, 11am-12pm
*Offer only applicable to tenants with less than 50 full time researchers globally who have no historic subscription with Springer Nature, and who have a secure company IP address. Offer expires 31st December 2022.