Dr Karen Lewis

Executive Director, Capability & Innovation, BBSRC - UKRI

Karen studied for a degree in biology and PhD in microbiology. Before joining BBSRC, she worked in commercial research and development with both a small biotechnology company and a large corporate. Karen has extensive experience within BBSRC, and the research councils in a broad range of research and innovation strategy areas. She has held a number of senior roles in what is now the BBSRC Capability and Innovation domain, including leading BBSRC business engagement activities, and establishing a knowledge exchange and commercialisation team. Karen is Executive lead for the BBSRC research and innovation campus strategy, 

As Executive Director of Capability and Innovation at BBSRC Karen’s responsibilities include:

  • Innovation strategy, particularly through research and innovation campuses
  • Business engagement
  • Programmes supporting innovation and knowledge exchange including enabling the emergence of bioscience based businesses
  • People and talent, supporting the development of a flexible and diverse workforce for modern bioscience including through studentships and fellowship programmes
  • BBSRC nominated Director on the Board of the AIP LLP, UKi2S Seed Fund, and Plant Bioscience Ltd.